
Showing posts from May, 2020

Meet The Women in Commercial Real Estate

Recently featured in the news, our new Facebook group of amazing women has been trending! ☺ Commercial Real Estate is one of the most largest industries in the world.  Meet the Women in Commercial Real Estate that are trailblazing their way in the industry.   ➡️ If you are a Women in CRE, please join our group today! (Men are welcome to join because who wouldn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of AMAZING, SMART CRE WOMEN?) BENEFITS: ✅ Post your Listings (City, State) ✅ Post your Tenant & Purchase Requirements ✅ Request Support and/or Share Best Practices ✅ Connect with other advisors - Co-Broker Opportunities ✅ Referral Opportunities / Build your pipeline ✅ Join in the CCIM, SIOR or CREW discussions ✅ Get Free Marketing Tips If you are a vendor, CRE Tech company or any other CRE affiliation and would like to advertise directly in the group, please contact 

*Tuesday Tips* - Episode 20: How Algorithms REALLY work on Social Media

Time and time again I hear people say, "that person has crazy engagement" but if you look at the people that are always engaging on social media, it is the "SAME" circle of connections. There is a lot people may not understand about social media because among many other components, one of the most important ones are how algorithms affect your social media posts/engagements... Check out this 2 minute video on some simple tips on this misunderstanding on social media. Don't worry, someone is always engaging on your posts on social media. Take a quick look..... #socialmedia #engagements #algorithms

Tuesday Tips: Episode 19 - Quality vs Quantity

Another episode covering the best free platform on the planet, social media. Check out this 2-minute clip to get some insight on Quality vs. Quantity. #tuesdaytips #realtalk #realbusiness #socialmedia

*Tuesday Tips* - Episode 18: Women in Commercial Real Estate

☺******* TUESDAY TIPS *********☺ ➡️ This is definitely something you can all relate to, but how many of you are actually dialed in with the right people? [Know Your Tribe ] ▶️Definitely some great tips to share that will benefit Women in Commercial Real Estate! ✅ JOIN TODAY!

*Tuesday Tips* - Episode 17: Rock Your Blog

There are many puzzle pieces to marketing and growing your brand. Though social media and video media marketing is popular among digital users, there are also other ways to add value and build your brand. Blogging is becoming more and more popular among industry thought leaders or those making an effort to make a name for themselves... Check out this 2-minute clip to listen to a couple tips.