⭐️ Inside the Studio with Commercial Real Estate Tax Expert, Jamie Pope ...
⭐️⭐️ NEW PODCAST ⭐️⭐️ - Real Talk, Real Business, Real People - I admit my schedule has been a little chaotic lately, so this is a little late but this is such valuable and educational information provided by tax expert, Jamie Pope with JPOPE Tax Consultancy It was a pleasure to have Jamie inside my studio to talk about Commercial Real Estate Property tax credits and incentives. I learned so much in 30 minutes and I know this will be great information for all you #CRE advisors out there. From CARES Act/PPP to 1031 Exchanges to No Cost Benefit Analysis and why Top Producers are killing it in the industry. ☺ #1031exchange #caresact #ppploans #taxincentive #taxcredits #commercialrealestate #commercialproperty